Your contribution is valued at The Abbey

There are many ways to be a part of the extended community of The Abbey; we look forward to welcoming you.


The Abbey offers volunteer opportunities for individuals seeking to offer service to the community, as well as individuals who are committed to the aims of The Abbey and are seeking to be involved in a practical way.

On an occasional basis, The Abbey is able to offer a three – six month internship. Please contact us for more information and to discuss availability.

Occasional working bees are organised at The Abbey so that volunteers can contribute practically to the site’s preservation and future. If you would like to offer your services as a volunteer or to be notified of upcoming volunteer days please get in touch.


Abbey A-Frame Appeal

‘Something really special is happening at The Abbey.’ ‘As I come across to the island on the ferry and make my way to The Abbey, it forms a pilgrimage where my stresses fall away, and I am at peace.’

The Abbey is a unique Anglican retreat centre in Australia. At a time of decreasing opportunities for people to find genuine release in an increasingly stressful world, The Abbey seeks to develop its existing presence to enable accessibility for a wider range of people. We are looking to invest in the next generation providing them with enhanced facilities so that future generations can nurture their understanding of caring for themselves, each other and the environment.

Built in the 1960’s, the A-Frame has been host to youth camps, the Cursillo movement, school camps and events. However, it is tired. The ablution block needs replacing. There are no internal toilets. There are no disability design considerations and only limited access. It does not comply with modern standards. It is acoustically and thermodynamically inadequate. The proposed design is a crisp refreshment of the A-Frame, the iconic structure of The Abbey. The aim is to make a modern and welcoming community space.

Please consider donating to this most important appeal. 

Donations can be made via: Anglican Earthcare Gippsland, ANZ Bank, BSB 013795, Account Number 2060 78399. Please use surname and AVF reference.


Friends of The Abbey

If you would like to remain in regular contact with the events and happenings at The Abbey, Raymond Island, you are welcome to join Friends of The Abbey.

Friends of The Abbey receive a regular email newsletter and are invited to contribute in any of the following ways:

  • Pray for the work and development of The Abbey
  • Promote The Abbey Program and The Abbey Conference and Accommodation Centre
  • Contribute practically onsite
  • Contribute financially to support The Abbey
  • Offer time and expertise to support the development of The Abbey as a Centre for Hospitality, Spirituality and the Environment.

To enquire about becoming a Friend of The Abbey please contact us.


Make a donation

Make a tax-deductible donation and work with us to build the vision for The Abbey.

All donations are humbly received and will go directly towards preserving The Abbey, so that future generations can enjoy the hospitality of The Abbey and the gift of sacred space.

All tax deductible donations:

Cheques payable to: Anglican Earthcare Gippsland, Abbey Vision Fund

Mail to: Anglican Diocese of Gippsland, PO Box 77, Paynesville Vic 3880. Please include your name and address for a tax receipt.

Direct Deposit: Anglican Earthcare Gippsland, ANZ Bank, BSB 013795, Account Number 2060 78399. Please use surname and AVF reference.

Tax Receipts can be requested by emailing: